Supported Employment Services
Helping prepare individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities achieve their employment goals.

Horizon offers pre- and post- employment training and coaching to support people entering the job market. We believe that everyone has the ability to become successful working members in our communities and lead a fulfilling life for themselves.
How We Can Help
Horizon serves individuals in the State of Arizona by providing them with employment guidance, support, tools and resources. We work collaboratively and proactively with individuals in programs already established within our system of care, such as the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) and the Department of Economic Security (DES).
Through our Supported Employment Services, we work directly with individuals to further enhance their ability to prepare for, enter into or retain employment. Horizon is proud to help people achieve their employment goals and dreams while they move towards self-sufficiency. Our coaching and support provides the skills needed to achieve employment, independence and self-reliance.
Available Services
Horizon’s Supported Employment Services are extremely beneficial for adults who are interested in working within our communities. These individuals will not only learn how to achieve employment, but they will also develop the skills needed to become productive employees.
Pre-Employment Services include the following:
- Employment counseling
- Individual needs assessment
- Vocational evaluation
- Employment preparation
- Resume writing
- Interviewing techniques
- Personal/social adjustment trainings
- Job coaching
- Job search
- Referral to community resources
- Support services
Pre-Employment Services may also include resources for benefits to accessing the following:
- Social Security Administration
- Disability Benefits (DB) 101 Benefits & Work Estimator
- The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) FAQs
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services
We Are Here for You
Supported Employment Services is an effective method for helping people obtain work in our communities, while providing the tools and support necessary to ensure their success.
Our ultimate goal is to help individuals improve their self-esteem, quality of life and social relationships by becoming active members in the workplace within our communities.